Personal Development Scan


The purpose of this assessment is:

Bringing the development (possibilities) of an employee into picture.


A short and concise report, per employee. This information can be used during the performance review.


Duration of the assessment:

ca. 45 minutes

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The performance reviews, how is your organisation handling them? Are only impersonal lists ticked off to see how it is going at work? Is there also something done with the results or is every time good, good, good, and nothing else? Is it a real conversation or usually just an evaluation, because the conversation comes from one side?

A performance review is the moment for a good conversation. How’s it going? What’s going on? Where does the employee want to develop? How does the employee see that happening?

Have a conversation about the things that count, both for the employee and the organisation!

By taking the Personal Development Scan (POS), you gain insight into the development opportunities of an employee. If you, additionally, repeat this assessment annually, among all employees, you can monitor the development, not only of the employee, but also of the organisation as a whole.

This information deepens the performance appraisal, so that you can really talk to each other about the personal (development) possibilities of the employee and the organisation. An employee feels more heard and seen! And that is valuable, because a satisfied employee changes jobs less quickly, he or she feels connected to the organisation!